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Jungle - Birth details

Jungle - Birth details

Our 'Birth details' personalised print is the perfect gift for a newborn baby or the perfect keepsake for an older child. This birth details print can be personalised to any birth details you like - Just add the child's details in the box provided. If there are some birth details that you don't know, I can leave those out and adjust the layout of the print accordingly. If you would like to include additional details, such as the child's middle name, siblings names, pets names or angel in heaven just add all those details in the box provided. Starsign will be added by myself based on birth date provided. (If this is a gift, we highly recommend checking the name spelling with a parent, guardian, or relative.)


It's important to note that whatever text you add to your order is what will appear on your print, for example, if you inlcude parents names as "John Smith and Mary Smith", that's how it will appear on the print. However, if you include parents names as "Mary and John Smith", that's how it will appear on the print.


Our prints do not come framed. All prints will be shipped in a cellophane cover, backed with an A4 or A3 cardboard back so the print doesn't bend. All frames used in images on our site are the Hovsta frames by Ikea. A Hovsta size 30x40cm will fit an A4 print, a Hovsta size 40x50cm will fit an A3 print perfectly.

    PriceFrom €25.00
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